My first novel, A Zoom Zip Architecture, is now available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other fine booksellers. There are three formats: hardcover, paperback, and Ebook. Right now, Amazon and the Google Play store seem to be the only ones carrying the Ebook version, but I expect it to show up in the other outlets sometime soon.
If you happen to read it, please leave me a review, positive or negative. I would really appreciate the feedback!
Zane Truax is a twentysomething with many advantages: he's bright, educated, and creative. So why can't he maintain some direction in his life? Is it the social anxiety or the misanthropy? Maybe it's the fear of spending his prime years as a pushy, business-suited go-getter with a midlevel career as a cog in the corporate machine. He exists on the fringes of society, working menial jobs in order to survive. Along with his only friend, the panic-ridden but supportive Brock DeKalb, Zane fills his free time exploring lonely backroads and ruins of the American Midwest. But an unexplainable encounter in a crumbling prairie farmhouse changes his outlook permanently. He becomes determined to save his town's forgotten places from the developers who would destroy them forever. But how? With no money, powerful contacts, or social capital, can one person still make a difference? Not all ghosts can be seen. Sometimes they can only be felt.
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Book explores idea of ghosts from non-supernatural perspective
Author Gray West debuts with gothic horror novel, ‘A Zoom Zip Architecture’
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Gray West enjoys visiting sites with interesting histories: notable houses, battlefields, old neighborhoods, and the like. They lead him to imagine the sort of lives that prior occupants led. Though he does not believe in paranormal ghosts, he is inclined to the think that ghosts can exist in the form of memories, hopes, and dreams, and that they can affect people just as much as any spooky transparent figure could. This idea inspired him to pen his debut novel, “A Zoom Zip Architecture” (published by Xlibris).
The gothic horror novel follows the life of Zane Truax, who fills his free time exploring lonely backroads and ruins of the American Midwest. One day, an unexplainable encounter in a crumbling prairie farmhouse changes his outlook forever. He becomes determined to save his town’s forgotten places from the developers who would destroy them. But how? With no money, powerful contacts, or social capital, can one person still make a difference?
In the story, West explores the idea of learning from the past in order to create a better future. “I'd like for readers to ponder some big questions: what is the best way to design a community? Are there really ghosts, and if so, what is their nature? What happens when we die? And is it possible to live forever?”
A fun tale with many unexpected twists and turns, the book touches on social science and examines the idea of ghosts from a perspective beyond the supernatural.
An excerpt from the book:
Oh, you want me to tell all about my life story? Well, it’s pretty much too late to get into all that, but how ‘bout this: I was born in 1899 and then jus’ yest’rday I finally knew it was time for me to die. Time for me to go. I’m a hundred and two years old, and that’s about twenty-five years too long for some folks, apparen’ly.
“A Zoom Zip Architecture”
By Gray West
Hardcover | 6x9 in | 278 pages | ISBN 9781543475210
Softcover | 6x9 in | 278 pages | ISBN 9781543475203
E-Book | 278 pages | ISBN 9781543475197
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Born and raised in Central Indiana, Gray West was involved in the urban exploration scene throughout his teens and 20s, visiting those abandoned farmhouses and forgotten cemeteries of his community. With his trusty notebook and video camera, he documented many curiosities that have since vanished. Today, he lives with his wife and three cats in a historic home alongside countless ghosts that seem to always disturb them in the dead of night.
Spies in the Night cartridges have been printed! Scott posted this cool image to the Atari 2600 homebrews group on Facebook. There will be three versions: a standard package with cart and manual only, a deluxe package with cart, manual, box, and some extra goodies, and a "black" version that is the same as the deluxe package, but the background in the game has been changed to black which makes the gameplay a bit more difficult.
Once the folks in the Facebook group have had a chance to purchase their copies, the remaining games will be sold in the marketplace forum of Atariage.com.
If demand for the game is high enough, Spies in the Night may be sold in the Atariage.com store as well. I'll update everyone when I know more details.
Hey everyone! I'm getting pretty excited about the imminent release of my new Atari 2600 game: Spies In The Night. Scott at NEO Games did a fantastic job putting everything together, and he ran off the first test carts a few days ago. (Pictured) There will also be a box and manual for the game. So if you're still in the market for Atari games in the year 2017, make sure to pick one up! I'll post the link here once sales begin.